Projects, businesses, universities and colleges we have worked with: -Joe Namath Documentary, HBO Sports -Tyra TV -Live speeches for documentary, New York TV network -First Manhattan Bank -Monotype Fonts -Nylon Magazine -Independent documentary film footage -Live events and seminars -Promotional videos for a Las Vegas hotel/casino opening, New York production company -Documentary footage, New York production company -Acupuncture practice assessments -Dissertation projects, research interviews for students (Harvard University, New York University, London School of Economics) -Live speeches, San Francisco minister -Counseling sessions numbered by line -University of Washington research project -Recorded marketing strategy interviews, focus groups TIMECODED TRANSCRIPTS: Transcripts with timecode inserted can help you flip through a transcript, find and organize your reference points, or save time in post production... Timecode can be inserted according to your preferences...whether that is once per page, twice per page, every 10, 15 or 30 seconds, or at each new speaker, topic, paragraph or line. Secure payment available by credit or debit card. Check, money order or cash. Cashapp Apple Pay, Google Pay. Afterpay financing available through Square.
B. Films Transcription is a comprehensive transcription service offering professional and personalized audio transcription. You can expect intelligent transcripts of professional caliber at reasonable rates. Established in 2000, we are focused and efficient, U.S. based typists with top typing speeds and attention to detail. Confidentiality/Non-disclosure of your audio and source materials assured. 24-hour and 48-hour rush is available for an additional charge.
We can transcribe almost any format out there.
Common digital formats include:
MP3, DSS, Quicktime, MP4, MOV, WMA, AVI, RealMedia, DVF, MSV, WAV, AIFF/AIF, WMV, Webex, Pando, portable digital recorders
DVD, CD, VHS, MiniDisc, cassette, Micro-cassette